Bryan and PG, are you ready for a brief course in Girl Scout Cookies 101? There are actually two different bakers of Girl Scout cookies in the USA, Little Brownie Bakers and ABC Bakers. Different councils (Girl Scout's geographic regions) may choose to use either of the bakers to supply their cookie sales. Thus, depending upon your local Girl Scout Council's supplier, you could end up with either "Carmel Delights" or "Samoas". Both suppliers have the same basic cookies but often vary their "specialty" cookies with each cookie sale season (Lemonades, Dulce de Leche, Ginger Snaps, etc.). Little Brownie Bakers seem to name their cookies a bit more creatively, whereas ABC Bakers is a but more practical (Tagalongs vs. Peanut Butter Patties, Samoas vs. Carmel Delights, Trefoils vs. Shortbreads, Do Si Dos vs. Peanut Butter Sandwiches, you get the picture). Hard core Girl Scouts will debate to the ends of the earth which supplier makes the better cookie. Personally, I'm partial to Little Brownie, as I find the cookie part of their concoctions to be a bit sweeter and less crumbly.
**This public service announcement brought to you by nearly 20 years of Girl Scout experience.**
HEY! you still have Samoas!!!! We only have "Carmel Delights." I guess there are fewer Samoans to insult in your area.
caramel delights here too - silly that calling a cookie samoans was not pc.
who wouldn't want to have the A-#1 girl scout cookie named after them?!?
Bryan and PG, are you ready for a brief course in Girl Scout Cookies 101?
There are actually two different bakers of Girl Scout cookies in the USA, Little Brownie Bakers and ABC Bakers. Different councils (Girl Scout's geographic regions) may choose to use either of the bakers to supply their cookie sales. Thus, depending upon your local Girl Scout Council's supplier, you could end up with either "Carmel Delights" or "Samoas". Both suppliers have the same basic cookies but often vary their "specialty" cookies with each cookie sale season (Lemonades, Dulce de Leche, Ginger Snaps, etc.). Little Brownie Bakers seem to name their cookies a bit more creatively, whereas ABC Bakers is a but more practical (Tagalongs vs. Peanut Butter Patties, Samoas vs. Carmel Delights, Trefoils vs. Shortbreads, Do Si Dos vs. Peanut Butter Sandwiches, you get the picture). Hard core Girl Scouts will debate to the ends of the earth which supplier makes the better cookie. Personally, I'm partial to Little Brownie, as I find the cookie part of their concoctions to be a bit sweeter and less crumbly.
**This public service announcement brought to you by nearly 20 years of Girl Scout experience.**
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