Saturday, May 17, 2008

Slot machines can be fun sometimes...


PG said...


susymhald said...

Geez! How much did you win???

Kristie said...

I spent $28 (well $23) on my last 8 dollars, Joellen convinced me to use them on the $1 slot instead of the .05 slot I was using, on my 3rd try I won $168.00, so total winning was $140! Not bad at all!!! :)

Anonymous said...

can we go back???? (like today.)

just a little more warming up before vegas in october.

susymhald said...

Ooooohhhhh.....Vegas in October! Have fun!

lindsey said...

I hope you screamed out "I'm a Winner" I love slot machines

Kristie said...

S:Thanks...I promise not to get married!(who does that?!) ;)
L:I must have forgotten that part! I will do it in Vegas just for you! Even if I only win like $5!