Saturday, April 12, 2008

I couldn't handle it anymore!


bryan said...

only you and your stylist know...uh...ooops. secrets out...

Kristie said...

Stylist, um, you have me mistaken for someone who doesn't go to Great Clips for the 12.99 haircut! LOL. And trust me...I let it go for months! The secret has been out!

lindsey said...

I am right there with you!!! Once a month cover them up....we are too young for this!!

bryan said...

12.99, huh? yer one of them fancy types. i give a homeless guy a schlitz and a quarter to do mine.

Kristie said...

B-LOL, I got a little worried for a minute, I had to google search schlitz! I didnt want poor Andi sitting at home barefoot and pregnant while you were out schlitzin' with the homeless men for haircuts!

Anonymous said...

oh, now that's funny.